Charles E. Lewis, AIA, NCARB
Charles E. Lewis, AIA, NCARBPresident and Chairman
Michael C. Nowicki, PE
Michael C. Nowicki, PEExecutive Vice President, Director of Operations
Electrical Engineering
Jeffrey D. Johnson, AIA
Jeffrey D. Johnson, AIASenior Vice President, Director of Higher Education and Workplace
Bruce J. Snyder, CEM, LEED® AP BD+C
Bruce J. Snyder, CEM, LEED® AP BD+CSenior Vice President, Director of Finance
Dominic Paone, III, CCP, LEED® AP BD+C
Dominic Paone, III, CCP, LEED® AP BD+CSenior Vice President, Director of Commercial and Research
Mechanical Engineering
David M. Giroux, AIA, CDT
David M. Giroux, AIA, CDTSenior Vice President, Healthcare
Brandon Sundberg, AIA, LEED® AP
Brandon Sundberg, AIA, LEED® APSenior Vice President
Thomas B. Carron, PE
Thomas B. Carron, PEVice President, Principal Engineer
Electrical Engineering
Mark Reaves, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C, NCARB
Mark Reaves, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C, NCARBVice President, Director of Athletics and Recreational Sports
Joseph L. Schwartz, PE, CGD, LEED® AP BD+C
Joseph L. Schwartz, PE, CGD, LEED® AP BD+CVice President, Director of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Senior Associates

Kevin Aalderink, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C
Kevin Aalderink, AIA, LEED® AP BD+CSenior Associate
Christopher Allick, AIA
Christopher Allick, AIASenior Associate, Assistant Director of Architecture
Scott Batzold, PE
Scott Batzold, PESenior Associate, Director of Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Matthew R. Beck, Assoc. AIA, CDT
Matthew R. Beck, Assoc. AIA, CDTSenior Associate
Andrea Everett
Andrea EverettSenior Associate, Project Manager Coordinator
Valerie L. Grant, IIDA
Valerie L. Grant, IIDASenior Associate, Manager of Interior Design
Interior Design
Justin Kiriazis, PE, LC
Justin Kiriazis, PE, LCSenior Associate, Assistant Director of Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Nicholas LaForest, AIA, NCARB
Nicholas LaForest, AIA, NCARBSenior Associate, Director of Architecture
Adrian La Tona, AIA, NCARB
Adrian La Tona, AIA, NCARBSenior Associate
Katy Litwin, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C, NCARB
Katy Litwin, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C, NCARBSenior Associate, Assistant Director of Architecture
Kevin S. Marshall, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C
Kevin S. Marshall, AIA, LEED® AP BD+CSenior Associate, Assistant Director of Architecture
Colin Murphy, PE, CEM
Colin Murphy, PE, CEMSenior Associate
Mechanical Engineering
Matthew R. Perez, PE, LEED® AP BD+C
Matthew R. Perez, PE, LEED® AP BD+CSenior Associate, Assistant Director of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Scott Smith
Scott SmithSenior Associate, Technology Manager
Todd Vercruysse, PE
Todd Vercruysse, PESenior Associate, Assistant Director of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Jeffrey J. Zona, Assoc. AIA
Jeffrey J. Zona, Assoc. AIASenior Associate


Aubree S. Ackett, AIA, NCARB
Aubree S. Ackett, AIA, NCARBAssociate
Kristen Campbell-Lynch
Kristen Campbell-LynchAssociate, Marketing Manager
Joseph Cruz, PE
Joseph Cruz, PEAssociate
Mechanical Engineering
Jeffrey DuShane, PE
Jeffrey DuShane, PEAssociate
Electrical Engineering
Nicholas W. P. Furgason, LC
Nicholas W. P. Furgason, LCAssociate
Electrical Engineering
Dirk Greene
Dirk GreeneAssociate
Mechanical Engineering
Charles G. Haas, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C, NCARB
Charles G. Haas, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C, NCARBAssociate
James Hooker, PE, LEED® AP BD+C
James Hooker, PE, LEED® AP BD+CAssociate
Electrical Engineering
G. Brian Ingham, AIA
G. Brian Ingham, AIAAssociate
Christopher King
Christopher KingAssociate
Mark Koehler
Mark KoehlerAssociate
Mechanical Engineering
Lisa Kulawczyk Pringle
Lisa Kulawczyk PringleAssociate
Ben Loznak, NCARB
Ben Loznak, NCARBAssociate
Andrew Maurer
Andrew MaurerAssociate
Todd D. Nemecek, AIA
Todd D. Nemecek, AIAAssociate
Randi S. Paananen, PE, LEED® AP BD+C
Randi S. Paananen, PE, LEED® AP BD+CAssociate
Electrical Engineering
Brynolf I. Peterson, AIA, CSI, CCS, CCCA
Brynolf I. Peterson, AIA, CSI, CCS, CCCAAssociate, Lead Specifications Manager
Gregory A. Sell, PE
Gregory A. Sell, PEAssociate
Electrical Engineering
Shawn Tyburski, CTS, LEED® AP BD+C
Shawn Tyburski, CTS, LEED® AP BD+CAssociate
Chris VanOverbeke
Chris VanOverbekeAssociate
Mechanical Engineering
Zachary VanOverbeke
Zachary VanOverbekeAssociate
Frederick J. Wesolowski, AIA, ACHA, EDAC, LEED® AP
Frederick J. Wesolowski, AIA, ACHA, EDAC, LEED® APAssociate, Director of Healthcare
Tracie Withrow, Assoc. AIA, CSI, CCCA
Tracie Withrow, Assoc. AIA, CSI, CCCAAssociate
Ellis Young
Ellis YoungAssociate
Electrical Engineering