Project Overview
Stockwell Hall is a historic building serving as a residence hall. The building renovation included reuse of the space occupied by the dining commons and kitchen, as well as the associated mechanical and storage areas, allowing for additional housing of academic and recreational functions that will support and enhance the social life of residents.
At the heart of the design solution is an atrium which replaces the existing unoccupied flat roof with an octagonal skylight, transforming the area into a multi-level, interactive, day lit recreation space surrounded by student amenities.
The space helps to connect the main building entrance, and public and administrative spaces located on the second floor with the new program and social spaces on the first floor.
The lounge area at the new first floor entrance provides an area for group study sessions as it can be filled with tables and chairs for cafe style seating and study, and can be used as a small performance space or accommodate game tables and more active recreation. The renovated space can serve a number of functions depending on student needs and interests creating a modernized residence hall that promotes a community experience for students.
Energy & Sustainability
Project Size
131,000 SF
Project Cost
Project Contact
Diana Adzemovic
University of Michigan
Project Team
Architect and Engineer
Design Partner
Goody Clancy
Construction Manager